Oriental And Japanese Style

    the oldest and most popular oriental designs are based on the Chinese alphabet? These characters are called Conji. and. unlike western alphabets. they are not letters. but rather ideograms. An ideogram is the symbol of a word or a concept. This kind of alphabet developed because of the far flung regions of China. Even people with different languages could communicate because they could understand the picture or ideogram of what was being depicted. Conji are very beautiful symbols and because of this have frequently been used in design. There is now even a trend to have Conji tatoos. Anyone who decides to have this done should be careful. If you are not sure of the correct Conji. you may end up with a symbol that you do not want. American tatoo artists rarely understand Conji. and just pick them out if they like the way they look. You may end up with an unflattering symbol on your body.

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